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Use the Wi-Fi Code: connectme (not case sensitive) to log on to our free high-speed uncapped Wi-Fi.
Alternatively, if you are here for a conference, get your conference code from the banqueting team.
If you’re just here for a cup-a-joe and want to use the internet to check on your mails, simply fill in your details and click connect.
Need fresh towels?
If you’d like your towels to be replaced, please leave them on the bath/shower floor.
Towels left hanging up tell us you want to reuse them.
Reusing your towel goes a long way in saving water!
Thank you for playing your part & helping with conservation efforts.
No smoking (of any kind) allowed in your room or public areas, including e-cigarettes, joints, bongs, hookah pipes and even your socks.
Do not flick your cigarette butts over the balcony. (Sis man!)
Fines and dirty looks will be dished out to offenders and anyone smoking marijuana will be evicted immediately.
If we need to deep clean your room prior to the next guest checking in, unfortunately we’ll have to charge you an extra cleaning fee.
And besides, it’s stinky for others.
Help us to keep it fresh!
A safety deposit box is available in your room for the safekeeping of your valuables.
The hotel is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of cash, jewellery or any other valuables left unattended in your room.
The hotel’s liability regarding items locked in the safety deposit box is limited to the rate of a one-night stay.