Safety & Security

1. Emergency Procedures

In case of an Emergency please follow the below procedures:

  1. Please familiarise yourself with the whereabouts of the emergency exits. There are two fire exits on each floor.
  2. If you hear the fire alarm or if an employee notifies you, please evacuate your room immediately. Do not contact Reception.
  3. Close your door when you leave your room and do not open any windows.
  4. Do not use the lifts.
  5. Once outside the building, please proceed directly to the assembly point, which is the lawn of the hotel. Hotel staff will be on hand to direct you.
  6. Please do not stop to search for relatives or friends. If you arrive at the assembly point and you cannot locate someone, notify management immediately. Do not go back into the building until the hotel personnel have notified you that it is safe to do so.
  7. A full role call will be taken at the assembly point. To facilitate this procedure, please keep as quiet as possible and respond clearly when your name is called.

*Evacuation procedures are posted on the back of every hotel room door and in every conference room.

2. Emergency Contact Information

In case of a fire or any other emergency, dial Reception at extension 9.

The Capital Mbombela is secured by 24-hour on-site security guards. Dial 9 for assistance.

3. Room Safe

Each room is equipped with an electronic mini-safe located in the bedroom cupboard.

If you encounter difficulties or forget the combination number you've set, please contact Reception by dialling 9 for assistance.

* Kindly note that management cannot be held responsible for the loss of any personal items whatsoever.

Don’t be shy… Talk to us!
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Dial 9 for the front desk
Tel: +27 (0) 13 813 9000
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The Capital Hotels & Apartments